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Torrent téléchargé par ProstyleX
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ÉDIT : Rois
VIDÉO : 1 100 kbit/s
résolution : 720×304
TEMPS DE FONCTIONNEMENT : 2 heures 10 minutes
AUDIO : 384 kbit/s AC-3 6 canaux (CORE)
REMARQUES : profitez-en.
Windows 11 X64 22000.856 Pro incl ACT TPM BYPASSED LATEST 2022 |
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Le TPM est SÛR
Windows 11 180 jours activé avec AutoRenew
Rufus est inclus
Rufus est un utilitaire qui vous aide à formater et à créer des lecteurs flash USB amorçables tels que des clés USB/lecteurs flash, des lecteurs flash, etc.
Il peut être particulièrement utile dans les cas où :
vous devez créer un support d’installation USB à partir d’une image ISO amorçable (Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc.)
vous devez exécuter sur un système sur lequel aucun système d’exploitation n’est installé
vous devez flasher le BIOS ou un autre micrologiciel à partir de DOS
vous voulez exécuter un utilitaire de bas niveau
Malgré sa petite taille, Rufus fournit tout ce dont vous avez besoin !
Intégré / pré-installé :
* Chorme
* Winrar
* 7 fermetures éclair
* Winamp
* Bloc-notes++
Processeur : 1 gigahertz (GHz) ou plus rapide avec 2 cœurs ou plus sur un processeur 64 bits ou SoC (système sur puce).
RAM : 4 gigaoctets (Go).
Stockage : périphérique de stockage de 64 Go ou plus Remarque : pour plus d’informations sur la façon de continuer à mettre à niveau Windows 11, voir ci-dessous.
Micrologiciel système : UEFI, capacité de démarrage sécurisé. Vérifiez ici pour savoir comment votre ordinateur peut répondre à ces exigences.
TPM : version du module de plate-forme sécurisée (TPM) Cliquez ici pour obtenir des instructions sur la façon dont votre ordinateur peut répondre à cette exigence.
Carte graphique : compatible avec DirectX 12 ou version ultérieure avec pilote WDDM.
Affichage : Affichage haute définition (720p) avec une diagonale de plus de 9,8 bits par canal de couleur
Windows 11 X64 22000.856 Pro incl ACT TPM BYPASSED LATEST 2022 |
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Le TPM est SÛR
Windows 11 180 jours activé avec AutoRenew
Rufus est inclus
Rufus est un utilitaire qui vous aide à formater et à créer des lecteurs flash USB amorçables tels que des clés USB/lecteurs flash, des lecteurs flash, etc.
Il peut être particulièrement utile dans les cas où :
vous devez créer un support d’installation USB à partir d’une image ISO amorçable (Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc.)
vous devez exécuter sur un système sur lequel aucun système d’exploitation n’est installé
vous devez flasher le BIOS ou un autre micrologiciel à partir de DOS
vous voulez exécuter un utilitaire de bas niveau
Malgré sa petite taille, Rufus fournit tout ce dont vous avez besoin !
Intégré / pré-installé :
* Chorme
* Winrar
* 7 fermetures éclair
* Winamp
* Bloc-notes++
Processeur : 1 gigahertz (GHz) ou plus rapide avec 2 cœurs ou plus sur un processeur 64 bits ou SoC (système sur puce).
RAM : 4 gigaoctets (Go).
Stockage : périphérique de stockage de 64 Go ou plus Remarque : pour plus d’informations sur la façon de continuer à mettre à niveau Windows 11, voir ci-dessous.
Micrologiciel système : UEFI, capacité de démarrage sécurisé. Vérifiez ici pour savoir comment votre ordinateur peut répondre à ces exigences.
TPM : version du module de plate-forme sécurisée (TPM) Cliquez ici pour obtenir des instructions sur la façon dont votre ordinateur peut répondre à cette exigence.
Carte graphique : compatible avec DirectX 12 ou version ultérieure avec pilote WDDM.
Affichage : Affichage haute définition (720p) avec une diagonale de plus de 9,8 bits par canal de couleur
Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.2364 AIO 16in1 With Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64) |
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App reale crackata direttamente dal gruppo di scene.
Progetto Team FTU!
multilingue | OIL | incluso Office ProPlus | Pre-attivato | 64bit | dicembre 2022
Windows 10 22H2 Build AIO 16in1 con Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64) multilingue pre-abilitato
Windows 10 è una serie di sistemi operativi per personal computer prodotti da Microsoft come parte dei sistemi operativi Windows NT. È il successore di Windows ed è stato rilasciato per la produzione il 15 luglio 2015 per la vendita al dettaglio il 29 luglio 2015. Windows 10 riceve continuamente nuove versioni, che sono disponibili senza costi aggiuntivi per gli utenti. I dispositivi negli ambienti aziendali possono ricevere questi aggiornamenti a una velocità inferiore utilizzare pietre miliari del supporto a lungo termine che ricevono solo aggiornamenti critici, come correzioni di sicurezza, durante la loro vita. durata del supporto estesa di dieci anni.
Una delle funzionalità più importanti di Windows 10 è il supporto per Universal Apps, un’estensione delle app in stile Metro introdotte per la prima volta in Windows 8. Le app universali possono essere progettate per essere eseguite su più famiglie di dispositivi. Prodotti Microsoft con codice quasi identico, inclusi desktop, tablet smartphone. , sistemi integrati, Xbox One, Surface Hub Mixed Reality. L’interfaccia utente di Windows è stata rinnovata per gestire le transizioni tra un’interfaccia orientata al mouse un’interfaccia ottimizzata per touchscreen basata sui dispositivi di input disponibili, in particolare sui PC 2 in 1, entrambe le interfacce includono un aggiornamento del menu Start aggiornato che include elementi – tradizionalmente elementi di Windows 7. Il menu inizia con riquadri di Windows 8. Windows 10 introduce anche il browser Web Microsoft Edge, un sistema desktop virtuale, una funzionalità di gestione delle finestre del desktop denominata Visualizza, supporto per l’accesso tramite impronte digitali riconoscimento facciale, nuove funzionalità di sicurezza per l’ambiente aziendale DirectX 12.
L’edizione comprende:
– Windows 10 Home monolingue
– Windows 10 Casa
– Windows 10 Home N
-Finestre 10 professionale
– Windows 10 Professional n
– Windows 10 Pro Education
– Windows 10 Pro Education N
– Windows 10 Pro per desktop
– Windows 10 Professional per Workstation N
– Windows 10 Istruzione
– Windows 10 Education N
-Finestre 10 impresa
– Windows 10 Enterprise N
– Windows 10 Enterprise multisessione/desktop virtuale
– Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
– Il team di Windows 10
Cosa c’è di nuovo:
– Aggiorna Office 2021 alla versione 2211
– Aggiornamento OS Build 22H2 build
Lingue: arabo, inglese, tedesco, greco, francese, spagnolo, italiano, olandese, portoghese-portoghese, portoghese-brasiliano, turco!
Configurazione richiesta:
– Processore: 1 gigahertz (GHz) più.
– RAM: 2 gigabyte (GB).
– Spazio libero sull’hard disk: 40 gigabyte (GB).
– Adattatore grafico: dispositivo grafico Microsoft DirectX 9 superiore.
– Requisiti aggiuntivi per utilizzare determinate funzionalità.
– La funzionalità touch richiede un tablet un monitor che supporti la tecnologia multi-touch.
– Per accedere a Windows Store per scaricare ed eseguire applicazioni, è necessaria una connessione Internet attiva una risoluzione dello schermo di almeno 1024 768 pixel.
Metodo di installazione:
* Crea una USB avviabile (altamente consigliata) con Rufus inizia!
* Masterizza su DVD-DL a bassa velocità.
pagina iniziale:
Crea un’unità USB avviabile avvia / Istruzioni incluse nella guida!
!! COMMENTI!! Controlla sempre queste versioni di FTUApps! Evita FALSO!
Noil’obiettivo è fornire le app più pulite innocue dagli screenshot delle app testate!
Windows 10 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2023.1.11 Download |
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Screenshots of the desktop and scan for malware:
(#) Changes:
* Added latest updates for Windows 10 22H2 x64 (December) 2022 to (January) 2023: KB5022282 (replaces KB5021233).
* Updated Security Updates for Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) from x64 to “”.
* Updated Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830-v5) for x64 from “” to “.
* Updated Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x64 from “” to “.
* Updated Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 online installer from “” to “.
* Updated Mozilla Firefox x64 from “” to “.
* Updated K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 from “” to “”.
(Oh oh)
—————-OOo-(_)-oOOo———— – – ————- ——
Windows 10 22H2 16in1 fi-US x64 – Integral Edition
For bug reports and questions, please visit
============================================== = = == =======================
(#) Windows 10 Updates:
* All Windows 10 22H2 x64 updates included (until January). 2023:
1. KB890830-v5 – Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool ver.
2. KB2267602 – Security updates for Windows Defender Antivirus.
3. KB4052623 – Update for Windows Defender Antivirus Platform Ver.
4. KB4559309 – Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Ver.
5. KB4589212-v2 – Intel microcode updates.
6. KB5007401 – Critical Dynamic Update for .NET Framework.
7. KB5011048 – .NET Framework Base Version
8. KB5012170 – Security Update for DBX Secure Boot Ver.
9. KB5015684 – Feature Update Activation Pack 22H2 release
10. KB5020377 – Install dynamic update.
11. KB5020881 – Cumulative Update for .NET Framework and
12. KB5021043 – Secure OS dynamic update.
13. KB5022282 is a cumulative update to build the Windows 10 operating system.
(#) Windows 10 Runtime Libraries:
* DirectX End User Runtime (June 2010) x86/x64.
* Visual C++ 2002 x86 Redistributable Package.
* Visual C++ 2003 x86 Redistributable Package.
* Visual C++ 2005 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable Package.
* Visual C++ 2008 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable Package.
* Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable Package.
* Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package Update5x86/x64.
* Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package Update 5 x86/x64.
* Visual C++ 2015-2022 x86/x64 Redistributable Package.
* Visual Basic x86 runtime.
* Visual Basic x86 runtime.
* Visual Basic x86 runtime.
* Visual Basic x86 runtime.
* Visual Basic x86 runtime.
* Visual Basic x86 Runtime (SP6 update KB3096896).
(#) Windows 10 default settings:
*.NET Framework = installed.
* Automatic installation of OneDrive = disabled.
* Diagnostic Data Collection = Disabled.
* Show all file extensions = On.
* Show hidden files, folders and drives = On.
* File progress dialog = Detailed.
* Merge taskbar buttons = Never.
* Windows theme color = Storm.
* Windows theme accent color = On.
* Browser Media Autoplay = Off.
* Default browser = Firefox.
* Default media player = Media Player Classic.
* Default file archive = 7-zip.
(#) Additional Applications:
* Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 (online installer).
* 7-Zip x64 (with some predefined rules).
* Mozilla Firefox x64(with multiple presets).
* K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 (with some preconfigured settings).
* OpenHashTab x86/x64.
(#) Windows 10 x64 versions:
* Enterprise offers the most features.
Windows 10 Home Single Language
Windows 10 Home
Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Professional
Windows 10 Pro N
Windows 10 professional training
Windows 10 Pro Education N
Windows 10 Pro for workstations
Windows 10 Pro for N workstations
Windows 10 training
Windows 10 Education N
Windows 10 Enterprise
Windows 10 Enterprise N
Multisession/Virtual Desktops Windows 10 Enterprise
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
Windows 10 team
* Description of Windows 10 versions:
* Description of Windows 10 N:
(#) Generally:
* Update Microsoft apps after installation under “Start menu – Microsoft Store – … (top right corner) – Downloads and updates – Get updates”.
* All language packs for Windows 10 can be downloaded directly from the language settings menu in the “Settings – Time language – Language – Add language” section.
*This Windows 10 was not in audit mode and was compiled with Microsoft DISM tool based on Windows 10 en-US x64 source code.
* All included add-ons can be modified or removed in the ISODisc “.sources$OEM$” folder (deleting the OEM$ folder will also remove update #1 and update #4).
* You can customize your own predefined landing page by editing the “initial_preferences” and “” files with a text editor in the ISODisc folder “.sources$OEM$” or in the “C:” folder on your hard drive . “Programs” and “C:Programs (x86)”.
* The Windows 10 activator is not included, but a text file with a direct link to download a working activator will be dropped on the desktop.
* System requirements (minimum|recommended): 1|3 GHz x64 processor, 2|4 cores, 2|8 GB RAM, DirectX 9 graphics card, 30|120 GB free hard disk space.
(#) To perform a clean install of Windows 10:
1. Burn the Windows 10 ISO file to a DVD using a Brun program like CDBurnerXP() or use Rufus() to create a bootable USB drive with the Windows 10 ISO file.
2. Back up important files to a separate drive.
3. You can avoid accidental Windows 10 online account creation or account failure (other users) by disconnecting your computer from internet before installation.
4. Select “Custom: Install Windows (Advanced)” from the Windows 10 setup menu.
5. Remove any old Windows partitions, then click the Install button (be careful to select the correct hard drive).
Spider Man No Way Home 2021 BRRip AC3 XViD download full movie torrent |
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Visit us =
Full Name: Spider-Man No Way Home (2021) 720p English Pre-DVDRip x264 AAC by
Format: Matroska
Version format: Version 4
File size: GB
Duration: 2 hours 16 minutes
Total transfer speed: 1330 kb/s
Code date: UTC 12-16-2021 06:47:24 / UTC
Writing app: mkvmerge (‘Over the Horizon’) 64bit
Library entry: libebml + libmatroska /
ID: 1
Shape: AVC
Format/Information: Advanced Video Codec
Profile Formats:
Format setting: CABAC / 4 frame reference
Format setting, CABAC: Yes
Format setting, frame of reference: 4 frames
Duration: 2 hours 16 minutes
Bit rate: 1200 kb/s
Width: 1144 pixels
Height: 522 pixels
Display aspect ratio: :1
Frame rate mode: constant
Frame rate: (24000/1001) FPS
Color space: YUV
Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0
Bit depth: 8 bits
Scan type: Progressive
Stream size: GiB (90%)
Writing library: core x264 142 r2479 dd79a61
Standard: Yes
Forced: no
Color range: Limited
Base color:
Transmission Features:
Matrix coefficient:
ID: 2
Format/Info: Advanced audio codec Low complexity with spectral band replication
Trade name: HE-AAC
Format setting: NBC
ID Codec: A_AAC-5
Duration: 2 hours 16 minutes
Bit rate: 128 kb/s
Channels: 2 channels
Channel format: L R
Sampling frequency: kHz
Frame rate: FPS (SPF 2048)
Compression mode: Lossy
Video delay: -105 ms
Stream size: 125 MiB (10%)
Standard: Yes
Forced: no
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows SP2 Full + Me download |
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Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10
AES256 Distributive:
MD5:AAB67CC54B7B39AC859549D9B03495EF Year/Date of Issue: 2018
Developer: Kaspersky Labs
Bit depth: 32 bit, 64 bit
Internet connection to activate software, update databases and program modules. OpisanieKaspersky Endpoint Security provides comprehensive protection for your computer against known and unknown threats, network attacks and intruders. Each type of threat is handled by a separate component. Components can be turned on and off separately from each other and configure their work. In addition to the constant protection provided by program components, we recommend that you regularly scan your computer for viruses and other malicious programs. This must be done in order to exclude the possibility of spreading malicious programs whose components were not found, for example, due to a low level of security or for other reasons. To keep Kaspersky Endpoint Security up to date, you must update databases and program modules used in program operation. By default, the program is automatically updated, but if necessary, you can manually update the database and program modules.
For Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows to work properly, your computer must meet the following requirements:
General requirements:
Intel Pentium 1 GHz and faster
RAM available 1 GB
2 GB free disk space
Microsoft Internet Explorer and later
Microsoft Windows Installer and later
Internet connection for application activation and for database and application module updates
MS Microsoft Windows 10 activator |
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Per coloro che utilizzano il nostro disco di installazione di Windows 10 Professional Edition
elencati qui per te:
(su questo sito – controlla il link)
Scoprirai che è pre-abilitato fa bene gli aggiornamenti automatici anche finora.
Tuttavia, se in qualsiasi momento noti che nell’angolo in basso a destra dello schermo viene visualizzato il messaggio “Attivazione di Windows”, esegui semplicemente il programma autopico nella cartella contenuta nel file rar
puoi scaricare qui. Usa il 7-zip gratuito per aprire ed estrarre il file rar
map winrar qualsiasi altro programma simile a cui potresti avere accesso.
Le istruzioni sono incluse – di solito se riscontri un errore come “file in uso”
ecc., aggiungi la cartella alle eccezioni del tuo antivirus dovresti andare bene.
Abbiamo anche versioni di Windows 7 (32 64 bit) da dischi Microsoft originali
pubblicato qui per te aggiunto un attivatore per te che ha appena funzionato
Michele Rizzo Scacchi
Windows for Workgroups 3.11 & MS-DOS 6.22 Download Torrent |
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Windows diskette images for workgroups and MS-DOS
Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22000.318 + Office 2021 for VMware downloaden torrent |
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Windows 11 Pro + Office 2021 für VMware
Dies ist eine völlig unberührte Version von Windows 11 mit allen Funktionen.
– Fenster
Version 11 Pro – Einzelhandelskanal
Architektur: x64
Veröffentlichung: 9. November 2021
Tastatursprache: en-US
– Update (10. November 2021)
.NET Core 2021-11 Update für x64-Clients (KB5007885)
Kumulatives Update 2021-11 für Windows 11 für x64-basierte Systeme (KB5007215)
Sicherheitsupdate für Windows (KB5007215)
Vorschau des kumulativen Updates 2021-10 für .NET Framework und Windows 11 für x64 (KB5006363)
Kumulatives Update 2021-10 für .NET Framework und Windows 11 für x64 (KB5005537)
Windows ist aktiviert und kann ohne Benutzerkennwort aktualisiert werden
– Optimierung
Autoplay für Microsoft Teams ist deaktiviert
PowerToys installiert
– Büro
Version: Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021 Version 2108 (Click-to-Run-Build)
Architektur: x64
Sprache: en-US
Anwendungen: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Access, Teams, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive, Skype for Business, Project Pro, Visio Pro
Büro aktiviert
– VMware
Kompatibilität: VMware Workstation/Player
Speicher: 4 GB (wenn möglich mehr Speicher zuweisen)
Prozessorkern: 4 (wenn möglich die Anzahl der Kerne erhöhen)
VMware Tools: Installierte Version
Verwendung: Extrahieren Sie Windows 11 Pro mit Office an Ihren Standort.
Starten Sie VMware Workstation und öffnen Sie Windows 11 Pro mit Office-Dateien in diesem Ordner.
Extrahiert: GB
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Windows 11-Version
Erfahren Sie mehr über Office 2021 LTSC
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